What is Multi-Targeting:
Multi-Targeting is a feature given in .Net 4.0 that can be used to target a specific version of .Net framework for creating applications.
Limitation in previous versions:
In the previous versions of .NET , the option of targeting some other framework was not available. Users could work in the same version, they installed.
How to use Multi-Targeting Feature:
For using multi-targeting feature , users will have to add “targetframework” attribute in the compilation element of the web.config file.
Example: You will find compilation element after “Caching” attribute.
You can also set this feature in Visual Studio 2010.Just follow these steps:
1: Open Visual Studio 2010.
2: Create NewProject/Website.
3: Select targetframework as shown below-
Now MultiTargeting feature will work according to your choice.
Multi-targeting allows you to use and target multiple versions of .NET.